Thursday 18 October 2007

Hooray socks!

Well... I've been realising that I may not actually have time in my life to upkeep a blog. But ah well... I'll do what I can!!
Anyway... excitingly... here are some pics of the turtle walk socks!! YAY for my first pair of socks ever!!! A big thanks to Spidey for the expert guidance in her sock workshop, which definitely gave me the confidence to try making a pair of socks at all!! These are for my sister, who I'm pretty confident doesn't read my blog, so I should be safe to post the photos here!

This photo is taken on Lady Musgrave Island... where Mr Purl proposed... of the fresh bebe turtle tracks in the morning... my very own 'turtle walk'!! :)


Georgie said...

Fabulous! Well done, they look just great. I love the personal connection to that gorgeous beach and your own turtle tracks ;-)

Taphophile said...

Those socks are wonderful! Love how you related them to the baby turtle tracks, too.

Smeh to time for blogging! You're a Blogger With Obligation and I admire you for it. :)

Bells said...

First socks are such a thrill. Well done. And the baby turtle tracks...aww....