This is the trig-point at the top of the mountain... complete with windblown-snow-sculpture worthy of any art gallery (or perhaps any un-heated art gallery).
The view from the top... where I think the snow kind of resembles that marshmallow-in-a-jar stuff... It was pretty windy on top of the mountain, but we sat up there and ate our lunch anyway. The view was unbeatable!
Back at the bottom of the hill (this sign must be about 1.5m tall)!!!
Hooray for snow! (probably good I feel that way, as we're probably going to get some tonight!!!)
Wish I could have gotten a photo of the crazy frost this morning! It was -6 celcius when we rode to work!! Man... bring on Summer!
I'll post a progress pic of mum's shrug tonight hopefully... I'm up to the crochet fringe bit!!
On a sad note... if anyone sees this bike around town (it's blue now, but pretty hard to mistake), could you let me know? One of our mates was riding it home after our ride on Friday night... and a carload of guys beat him up (with a metal bar!) and nicked the bike. He's OK... luckily he was wearing a motorbike helmet - so the metal bar mostly damaged the helmet instead of his head... but it makes me sad that a few stupid people can affect how safe we (or I anyway) feel riding alone around Canberra. Plus, countless hours of work and love went into this bike... so it's owner would love to get it back.
What an appalling thing to have happen to your friend. It's an amazing bike, but still no reason to resort to beating someone with a metal bar.
Looks like a great day down the snow!
Bloody hell! My god - what is wrong with people that they feel the need to beat your friend up and steal his bike?!? I'll be on the lookout in Civic.
Your photos of the snow are magnificent. Sounds like you had a great day, but what a shame you couldn't get some extreme knitting in!
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